Green Infrastructure

The urban planning aspects of green spaces, but also trees along roads and avenues as living elements between thoroughfares and parks, are becoming increasingly important due to the rate at which land requirements and percentage imperviousness are rising as a result of building developments and traffic infrastructure measures.

Green cityscapes play an important role in the well-being of inhabitants and visitors and help make urban areas more attractive, thereby increasing the quality of life. But there’s more: These green zones are often the only way of experiencing nature, especially in the rapidly growing mega-cities of the modern world.

Trees in the substratum

Trees in paved traffic zones have never had the best growth conditions. They are often planted in a minimum amount of earth, surrounded by traffic routes. In the middle of a dense, urban network, planted on highly compressed and unsuitable substrata, it is difficult for the roots to develop.

The use of special planting substrata in combination with an adjusted bearing stratum structure is one way of improving the quality of the tree site. There are various ways of creating a bearing stratum which can absorb a substratum and which complies with the growth conditions necessary for trees, but can still bear pavement and other ground coverings such as concrete or asphalt structures.

Directly accessible soil zone

Continuing surface compaction and the increase of heavy precipitations burden not only the existing disposal infrastructure but also make the development new residential and industrial parks difficult. Without doubt, is here the natural way of rain water seepage, the drainage or infiltration by a trough. So it is easy to comprehend that nearly all norms, rules and regulations not only propagate but also prescribe this kind of surface rain water treatment infiltration.

Especially in the nonurban and center presents this more and more a conflict situation. In many places the necessary surface for an above-ground infiltration system (trough) is missing. Here sets the ENREGIS/concept Vivo Stone heavy traffic. The system presents a 30 cm thick, accessible, overgrown and vegetated swale and is identically in its function and mode of action with the natural vegetated swale.